Something inside of me said why spend your time reaching young people in a land far away in a different culture when you left behind thousands of young people you know and have access to.
I had begun working with Youth for Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma overseeing camps and special programs for juvenile delinquents. After considering the offer from Youth for Christ, in the end I decided it was time to return to my roots and see what the Lord had in store for me.
For about a month I just chilled, read my Bible, played some hoops and listened to the voice of the Lord. The more I listened for that still small voice, the more I kept hearing, "Return home." Robyn had kept an invitation open for me to work with him if I did not return home, but I decided to return home, as this seemed to be the direction of the Lord.
PASTOR DAVE BURROWS (The Power Of Positive Choices)

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