Friday 6 May 2016

Ydse Gaukes (Anabaptist martyr, who after much torture was burned at the stake at Deventer, Netherlands, June 16th. 1571)

Ydse Gaukes (Anabaptist martyr, who after much torture was burned at the stake at Deventer, Netherlands, June 16th. 1571)

We prisoners in the Lord for the testimony of our dear Lord Jesus Christ, of which we are not worthy to boast ourselves; grace and peace from our dear Lord Jesus Christ be with our very dear and chosen beloved brothers and sisters, through the obedience of the gospel. We wish you, our much beloved, the true penitent faith which works by love. To this end may the power of the Holy Ghost strengthen you. Amen.

We have not changed our mind or our faith, and in addition we have a peaceful conscience. We are sure that [what we believe] is the truth, and that no other will ever be found, thought there are many subtle spirits who seek another way than taught by Christ, and in which he went before them. So rejoice with us, our much beloved friends, that our Father has helped us to triumph.

Because, my much beloved brother and sister, when you come to be imprisoned and thus confined, only then do you find that the way is narrow and the gate strait that leads unto life; yes, many will strive for it but do not enter in, because they are not of the right number. 

So, my beloved friends, always keep yourselves in the obedience of the gospel, and do not let yourselves be moved by every wind of doctrine, but abide in that before which you have bowed your knees. Remember that Paul says: “Though an angel from heaven should come and preach any other gospel, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:8)  

Ydse Gaukes

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