Sunday 1 May 2016

Joost Joosten (Anabaptist Martyr – 1542-1560 - burned in a straw hut on Monday before Christmas in 1560 – 18 years old)

Joost Joosten (Anabaptist Martyr – 1542-1560 - burned in a straw hut on Monday before Christmas in 1560 – 18 years old)

Joost Joosten lived in the small town of Goes, in the little province of Zeeland, an area of islands and peninsulas in the Southwest Netherlands. He formed an acquaintance with the Anabaptists, or Mennonites. In their assembly, Joost listened to the message of Leenaert Bouwen and discerned the meaning of faith as personal trust in Christ rather than a creedal ascent to Christian doctrine, he was deeply moved. Now he began studying the Bible for himself. It became clear that Christ died to reconcile him to God, and that salvation should be his by faith in the sovereign promise of God. As a result, Joost took the step of confession, and before the small group of disciples he witnessed to his new faith in the lordship of Jesus Christ and pledged himself to live in the Spirit.  Upon this confession he was baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

A new chapter now opened for him. As he began to confess his faith to his friends and family, he became the object of their criticism. Since he was well known, his religious conversion soon came to the notice of the authorities. He witnessed to all whom he could in his hometown of Goes. He traveled the areas of the docks which he knew well, and also went regularly to Veere, where he studied, and witnessed there. Not long after his eighteenth birthday, he was arrested in Veere.

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