Monday 25 April 2016

HERE IS MOUNT ZION - Algerius of Naples

HERE IS MOUNT ZION - Algerius of Naples

Here is Mount Zion; here I rise and enter into heaven; 
Jesus Christ stands before my eyes; around me stand the fathers, prophets, evangelists, apostles, and all servants of God.
The Lord embraces and nourishes me; these exhort me, those show me holy things; these comfort me, others escort me with music and song.
- Algerius of Naples

Here on earth I have "no continuing city" or place of rest. My home and country are in heaven. I seek the new city of Jerusalem, which I see before me, which comes to meet me. In fact, I am already on the way to it; there is my sweet home, my riches, my parents, and my friends, my pleasure and my honor. I have no fear that I shall miss them.
- Algerius of Naples

I have been called a fool, since I do not conceal the knowledge of God, and I do not care whether I speak in secret or openly. I shall never deny Christ but will confess him whenever it is necessary. I shall not consider my life of more value than my soul. I shall not exchange the future for the present.
- Algerius of Naples

If I have said anything, it was not I that said it, since the Lord says that before the authorities it will not be us that speak, but the Spirit of our Father who will be in us (Matt. 10:20). Now, if the Lord is faithful and true, which he truly is, I am innocent. It was he who made me speak. And what am I, that I could withstand the will of God (Acts 11:17)?
- Algerius of Naples

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