Friday, 22 April 2016

Cornelis Aertsz de Man (Anabaptist Martyr, died August 13th.1552, 21 years of age)

Cornelis Aertsz de Man (Anabaptist Martyr, died August 13th.1552, 21 years of age)

On August 13, 1552, Cornelis was led from the castle prison to the marketplace of Kulenburgh, where the people gathered to watch his execution. He was tied to the stake and while the fagots were being lighted he prayed. Then he looked over the crowd to see here and there a person he knew to be Anabaptist standing with tears on their cheeks and hands pressed together beneath the chin in prayer. A smile of recognition and of affirmation crossed his face. The flames rose and his body stiffened in pain, then expired in death. Cornelis was released to a greater life - Cornelis Aertsz de Man (Anabaptist Martyr, died August 13th.1552, 21 years of age)

It is evident that Christian fidelity is not dependent upon long years of involvement in Christian doctrine or associations but upon a genuine existential relationship with Christ - Myron S. Augsburger (Mennonite Spokesman and Writer)

There are two mandates, the one from the Supreme King and the other from the mortal emperor, and these two run counter to each other - Cornelis Aertsz de Man

There is no higher position than to be a child of God and no greater honor than to be a voice for him - Cornelis Aertsz de Man

I am not interested in standing against anyone, only that I can stand for Christ; if we all confessed the same Lord and belonged to his kingdom, we would live in fellowship and love. I am not better than others, but I have been taught and been led by the Holy Spirit - Cornelis Aertsz de Man

I believe that Jesus Christ is the true, living Son of God, and that there is no other salvation either in heaven or on earth, either under it or above it - Cornelis Aertsz de Man

The pope, with all his trumpery and mass and all that is therein, is good for nothing, bag and baggage. You priests sell masses to people by the dozen, by twenties and thirties at a time; they do not have edge or point; they can neither cut nor stab; and yet you promise the people that they are good and effective - isn't this deception? You preach to the people that we should not drink to excess, and yet you go about the streets drunk as hogs. You preach that we should not be covetous, but where is there more covetousness than among the priests and monks? You preach that we ought not to be idle, but where is there more idleness than among you? You would rather tramp from door to door with a bag or basket than work - as may be seen - Cornelis Aertsz de Man

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