Wednesday 3 February 2016

Why Nineveh Repented

Why Nineveh Repented

 Many factors may have accounted for the Ninevites sudden change of attitude. Yet we know that God has a way of drawing people, and of arranging events so people are more likely to turn toward Him. Financial pressures, political turmoil, natural disasters, sickness—such things often cause people to take stock of their relationship with the Almighty. The case of Nineveh shows that this is true for nations as well as individuals.
 Nineveh’s repentance is instructive for Christians today. Like Jonah, we have been commissioned to take the gospel of repentance and salvation to the nations of the world (Mark 16:15, 16). In doing so, it might be well to consider a strategy of targeted evangelism. Efforts would seem likely to be more effective in areas where recent political upheaval and natural disasters have created instability and more openness to a message of grace. If God has been preparing hearts beforehand, it is reasonable to expect greater success under such circumstances.

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