Tuesday 2 February 2016

PREPARED (Heb. manah)


 (Heb. manah) (1:17; 4:6–8; Ps. 147:4) Strong’s #4487: This Hebrew verb basically means “to count” or “to assign.” The psalmist uses this verb to praise God for knowing the number of stars and naming each one (Ps. 147:4). In the Book of Jonah, it signifies “to appoint” or “to ordain,” amd describes God’s intervention in natural events to bring about His will. By preparing the fish, the plant, and the worm, God made sure that Jonah’s mission was not left to chance. God exercised sovereignty not only over the plant and animal world, but also over Jonah’s life, using animals as small as a worm to teach Jonah about His great mercy (Jon. 4:6–8).

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