Sunday 24 January 2016



Kenute P. Curry

Ugly religion. Empty, hollow religion in and of itself is of no value. Some people think that religion will get them to heaven; some think it will get them a higher position in the church, and some even think it will make them oh so rich. Be warned my friend, “Judgment begins at the house of God.”
If you think you can deceive God, you’d better think again! Too many times people go to church to be admired or looked at. Too many times people have to have things done their way. Too many times people are so narrow-minded that they can’t see how God is working in other people’s lives.
Which hypocritical category do you fall into?  The worldly hypocrite (Matthew 23:5), the legal hypocrite (Romans 10:3), the evangelical hypocrite (Matthew 13:20), or the enthusiastic hypocrite (II Corinthians 11:14)?
Child of God, if this is you, wise up! If it is all ritualistic, just going through the motions; if your heart is empty, then do something about it. If you don’t God will!

©2005, 2014 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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