Monday 25 January 2016



Kenute P. Curry

“THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!” How many times have we ever heard that phrase quoted to us? How many times have we heard it preached from a pulpit or said to us on the street or read to us out of the Bible? People have tried to pollute the truth by using it for their own gains and purposes. Satan as tried to distort and twist the truth by any means or device that he can.  Atheists have tried to stand against it, always to their own failure. The truth as always remained steadfast and strong, true to the end.
You ask what this truth is. The truth of the matter is, God loves you. Not you, the school teacher, or you, the bank teller, or you, the cashier, or even you, the millionaire. God loves the real YOU. He created you and he knows you and he loves YOU, the person who he created. Hope in a dying world? Yes. Faith to spread your wings and fly? Yes. Love that can cross a thousand boundaries? Yes.” THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!” God’s truth, the real truth. From the beginning, from the start, from the twinkling of an eye, from the vast expanse of space, from the immense sea of oceans, comes a TRUTH so powerful it reaches into every fiber of your being. GOD LOVES YOU, THE REAL YOU. Timeless, you say? Yes, it really is. A treasure that no other treasure can compare with.
Nothing will ever erase this truth or destroy it. Come home, if you are in a situation where there are no answers, or if there is something locked away deep in your mind. If the road seems long and dreary, light shines at the end of the tunnel to welcome you. GOD LOVES YOU and he wants to be a part of your life, if you will let him. Answers? Yes, and this is the best one.


©2005, 2014 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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