Thursday 21 January 2016

A Nation Loses Its Conscience (Amos 3:10)

A Nation Loses Its Conscience (Amos 3:10)

 Amos’ description of Israel is sobering, if not downright frightening: “They do not know to do right” (Amos 3:10). Wickedness overflows the nation like a mighty river. As a result, the people are drowning in sin. They can no longer tell right from wrong. There is no longer any national conscience.
 A nation is on the verge of collapse when good and evil look the same. If questions of right and wrong no longer even enter the people’s minds, then that nation is in desperate trouble. In Israel’s case, enemies were waiting just around the corner (3:11, 12).
 Has your nation lost its conscience? Do people call good bad and bad good? Or can they even tell right from wrong? Or worse, do questions of morality not even concern them? If so, consider how you could act as an agent of conscience. Perhaps you could challenge people to consider their ways, and apprise them of their responsibility to fear God. You may not be received well, but God will honor you for standing up for righteousness.

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