And the Word of the LORD came to me…….
The Election of Israel
While election is made by God and men of people and places, there is a usage that stands out uniquely in Scripture: God’s chosen people, the elect, are the Israelites. The title “chosen/elect” is in many verses in Scripture. The use of the title “elect” to describe Israel becomes very important when we venture into the New Testament because it clears up many issues including the identity of the elect in Matthew 24.
1. The Lord your God has chosen you to be His own possession (Deuteronomy 7:6).
2. The Lord has chosen you to be His own possession (Deuteronomy 14:2).
3. You offspring of Israel His servant, Jacob’s descendants—His chosen ones (1 Chronicles 16:13).
4. The people He has chosen to be His own possession! (Psalm 33:12).
5. You offspring of Abraham His servant, Jacob’s descendants—His chosen ones (Psalm 105:6).
6. He brought His people out with rejoicing, His chosen ones with shouts of joy (Psalm 105:43).
7. For Yahweh has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel as His treasured possession (Psalm 135:4).
8. I call you by your name, because of Jacob My servant and Israel My chosen one (Isaiah 45:4).
9. I will produce descendants from Jacob….. My chosen ones will possess it (Isaiah 65:9).
10. My chosen ones will fully enjoy the work of their hands (Isaiah 65:22).
The verses above demonstrate how God has specifically called Israel, Jacob, the Seed of Abraham His chosen. Thus “the chosen, my chosen, or “the elect” refer to ethnic Israel. This point is proven by Paul who, in a synagogue on the Sabbath day in Antioch, read from the Law and Prophets and then spoke to his fellow Jews - “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen! The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors (Acts 13:16, 17). The election of Israel is corroborated by Paul in the New Testament as well.
This is the Word of the LORD!
© 2015 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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