The Faithful Church
Revelation 3:7-13
1. Jesus identifying Himself as “He who is holy” is a direct claim to deity.
2. Truth (alethinos, Gk.) speaks of that which is genuine, authentic, and real (John 14:6).
3. The Key of David symbolizes the Messianic office (Revelation 5:5, 22:16) representing the authority of Jesus Christ.
4. No one can shut the doors to the kingdom or to blessing if Christ holds them open, and no one can force them open if he holds them shut.
5. The Christians at Philadelphia had kept His Word (Revelation 1:3, Matthew 28:20) and had not denied His name.
6. An open door depicts freedom to proclaim the gospel (1 Corinthians 16:8-9; 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:2-3).
7. Spiritual power flowed in this church, people were being redeemed.
8. Endurance is an essential aspect of saving faith (Matthew 10:22).
9. The Christians in Philadelphia faced hostility from the unbelieving Jews, who were a synagogue of Satan.
10. The Philadelphia church’s enemies would be vanquished, humbled, and defeated (Isaiah 45:14, 49:23, 60:14).
11. The hour of trial is Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Daniel 9:25-27), the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), and the seven year tribulation period.
12. Christ’s coming for His church could happen at any time (2 Thessalonians 2:1).
13. Those who persevere to the end prove the genuineness of their salvation (Matthew 10:22; 24:13).
14. The crown, or reward for those who faithfully endure to the end is eternal life (2 John 8).
15. We overcome by being faithful and obedient, and receiving our eternal rewards.
16. The promise that Christ makes to believers is that they will have an eternal, stable, permanent, immovableplace of honor in Heaven.
17. The name of My God depicts ownership, signifying that all true Christians belong to God.
18. The name of the city of My God refers to eternal citizenship in heaven’s capital city, the New Jerusalem.
19. Christ’s name represents the fullness of His person in heaven, believers will “see Him just as He is.”
20. The holy, true, sovereign, omnipotent God pours out His blessings on churches that remain loyal to Him.
The character of the church at Philadelphia is a fair outline of the church period from A.D. 1750 - Rapture.
PARABLE OF THE PEARL (Matthew 13:45-46)
MYSTERY OF GOD (Romans 16:25)
©2012 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved
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