Saturday 4 April 2015



In John 19:28 Jesus says, “I am thirsty.” Christ experienced the conditions of true humanity. His statement didn’t mean He was thirsty for God, but that He was thirsty for something to drink. He needed a drink and He couldn’t get it for Himself. Jesus depended on others, and we need to do the same.
Because Christ is familiar with human need, He is a sympathetic high priest (Heb. 2:17–18). The New Testament affirms that Christ was fully man: there were times when He was weary. There were times when He was hungry. There were times when He was sleepy. There were times when He was happy. There were times when He was grieved. There were times when He was groaning. He felt all the emotion of human life. And when He was hungry He needed food, and when He was sleepy He needed a place to lie down, and when He was thirsty He needed a drink and He depended on others to meet His needs. Sometimes those needs were met by Mary and Martha, sometimes by His mother. Like Jesus, we must be willing to show our human weaknesses and learn to live dependently.

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