Saturday 28 February 2015



Kenute P. Curry

1. You shall not lie שָׁכַב [shakab /shaw·kab/] with a male זָכָר [zakar /zaw·kawr/] as with a woman. It is an abomination  תֹּועֵבָה [tow`ebahto`ebah /to·ay·baw/] (Leviticus 18:22).

Homosexuality in this verse is labeled as an abomination, something that is detestable to the LORD. This verse is cut and dried. There is no getting around it. The statement is made very clear and plain. Homosexuality is an abomination to the LORD. Yahweh wants us to be set apart from sin and consecrated to Him.
lieTransliteration: Strong’s H7901 שָׁכַב [shakab /shaw·kab/] v. A Primitive root; TWOT 2381; GK 8886; 212 occurrences; AV translates as “lie” 106 times, “sleep” 48 times, “lie down” 43 times, “rest” three times, “lien” twice, and translated miscellaneously 10 times. 1 to lie down. 1A (Qal)  1a1 to lie, lie down, lie on. 1a2 to lodge. 1a3 to lie (of sexual relations). 1a4 to lie down (in death). 1a5 to rest, relax (fig). 1B (Niphal) to be lain with (sexually). 1C (Pual) to be lain with (sexually). 1D (Hiphil) to make to lie down. 1E (Hophal) to be laid.
The word “lie” transliterates as Strong’s H7901 shakab /shaw·kab. In the context in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, the word “lie” means for another male to lie down sexually with another male. Strong’s 1B and 1C translates it as “to be lain with (sexually),” 1D translates it as “to make to lie down,” and 1E translates it as “to be laid.” Under no circumstances were there to be same sex between males. Yahweh created them male and female, and that was the order of creation. To go against the laws of God and nature, so as for two men to engage in sex with each other is something really detestable and disgusting to the LORD.
male/mankind: Transliteration: Strong’s H2145 זָכָר [zakar /zaw·kawr/] n m. From 2142; TWOT 551e; GK 2351; 81 occurrences; AV translates as “male” 67 times, “man” seven times, “child” four times, “mankind” twice, and “him” once. 1male (of humans and animals) adj. 2 male (of humans).
The word “male” (NKJV) or “Mankind (KJV)” translates as Strong’s H2145 zakar /zaw·kawr, which means “man” or “mankind.” It is also used of animals, but here it represents “male humans.” Man was God’s highest creation made in God’s own image. The Genesis passages (1:26-31 and 2:7-25) teach that God did not use any previously existing living creature to bring man into being; but created him from the dust of the earth, and breathed into him the spirit of life. The makeup of man is composed of three parts: body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Man was created for fellowship or communion with God. Man is not only to have fellowship with God; he is to glorify Him, by what he is and what he does (1 Cor. 10:31; Eph. 1:12). Man is also created to do God’s will and work. Man is most fully human when fulfilling the intention of God for him: worshiping, serving, and loving God. Of all creatures, only man has been given this blessed privilege.
abomination: Transliteration: Strong’s H8441 תֹּועֵבָה [tow`ebahto`ebah /to·ay·baw/] n f. Act part of 8581; TWOT 2530a; GK 9359; 117 occurrences; AV translates as “abomination” 113 times, “abominable thing” twice, and “abominable” twice. 1 a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable. 1a in ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages). 1b in ethical sense (of wickedness etc).
The word translated “abomination” is Strong’s H8441 tow`ebah, to`ebah /to·ay·baw. An abomination is something that is very disgusting and wicked in the eyes of JEHOVAH. That another man would lie down with another man and have sexual relations with him offended JEHOVAH with extreme disgust and loathing. It was impure, filthy, unclean, and objectionable to a holy and righteous God. In this day and time, it is no different in the eyes of Yahweh. The Bible is the moral, ethical, and holy code for the people of God to live by. It is our road-map in this life to guide us. Sex between two males is still an abomination in the eyes of JEHOVAH. It goes against the order of creation and the laws of nature.

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