Friday 6 February 2015

Sodom and Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah

     •      Two of the five “cities of the plain” (Gen. 13:12) at the southern base of the Dead Sea in a fertile area that was said to be like Eden (13:10).
     •      Sodom means “place of lime,” Gomorrah means “submersion.”
     •      Notorious in the Bible and elsewhere for wickedness and rebellion against God (for example, 2 Pet. 2:6)
     •      Area chosen by Lot, Abraham’s nephew, as the place to graze his flocks and pitch his tent (Gen. 13:11).
     •      Judged by God for a variety of sins, including failure to care for the poor and needy despite incredible wealth (Ezek. 16:49), and for sexual immorality (Jude 7).
     •      Destroyed by brimstone and fire that rained from the sky (Gen. 19:24, 25). The region is still barren, even though it was once “well watered everywhere” (13:10).
     •      Site of frequent earthquakes and other geological events. Nearby repositories of salt, asphalt, and sulphur are abundant.

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