Saturday 21 February 2015



Kenute P. Curry


When Lot and his family entered Zoar, the sun had already risen. The LORD then sent a rain of brimstone גָּפְרִית[gophriyth /gof·reeth/]   and fire אֵשׁ [’esh /aysh/]   out of the sky and destroyed those cities because of their wickedness. He also destroyed the Jordan Valley and everything that grew on the ground.

brimstone: Transliteration: Strong’s H1614 גָּפְרִית [gophriyth /gof·reeth/] n f. Probably from 1613; TWOT 375; GK 1730; Seven occurrences; AV translates as “brimstone” seven times. 1 brimstone. 1a of judgment (fig.). 1b of Jehovah’s breath (fig.).
The word “brimstone” translates as Strong’s H1614 gophriyth /gof·reeth. The Hebrew and Greek words for “brimstone” denote divine fire (Gen. 19:24; Ezek. 38:22; Luke 17:29). It is the judgment of God on a wicked and perverse city filled with all kinds of filthy abominations. The 1B transliteration in Strong’s calls it “Jehovah’s breath.” It is as if Yahweh opened his mouth and blew power in the form of brimstone and fire down upon Sodom! Another word for brimstone used in various translations of the Bible is sulfur. Brimstone is a bright yellow mineral usually found near active volcanoes. This area is now believed to be under the south end of the Dead Sea. Burning gases, sulfur, and magma blown into the air all fell to bury the region.

Concerning this destruction observe:

1. God was the immediate author of it. It was destruction from the Almighty: “Then the Lord rained” (v.24). Note: He that is the Savior will be the destroyer of those that reject His salvation.
2. It was a strange punishment. Never was the like before or since. Hell was rained from heaven upon them -“Brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens” (v. 24). Brimstone was scattered upon their environment, and then the fire soon attached itself upon them.
3. It was a judgment that laid all waste. “He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground (v.25).  It was a complete and irreparable ruin.
4. It was a punishment that answered to their sin. Burning lusts against nature were justly punished with this supernatural burning. Those that went after strange flesh were destroyed by strange fire (Jude 7).
5. It was designed for a standing revelation of the wrath of God against sin and sinners in all ages. It is typical of the vengeance of eternal fire (Jude 7), and the ruin of all that live ungodly (2 Peter 2:6), especially those that despise the gospel (Matthew 10:15). It is a reference to this destruction that the place of the lost is often represented by a lake that burns, as Sodom did, with fire and brimstone. Let us learn from it.

fire: Transliteration: Strong’s H784 אֵשׁ [’esh /aysh/] n f. A Primitive word; TWOT 172; GK 836; 379 occurrences; AVtranslates as “fire” 373 times, “burning” once, “fiery” once, “untranslated variant” once, “fire + 800” once, “flaming” once, and “hot” once. 1 fire. 1a fire, flames. 1b supernatural fire (accompanying theophany). 1c fire (for cooking, roasting, parching). 1d altar-fire. 1e God’s anger (fig.).
The word “fire” translates as Strong’s H784 ’esh /aysh, the combustion of flammable materials. 1B translates it as “supernatural fire (accompanying theophany). In the context of Genesis 19:23-28, it represents Yahweh’s judgment on wickedness and unbelief. Our God here is represented as a “consuming fire.” In the New Testament, eternal damnation is pictured as an everlasting fire (1 Cor. 3:13; Rev. 21:8). Judgment fell in the form of “brimstone and fire,” and the inhabitants of these cities were never to see the light of day anymore.

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