Tuesday 10 February 2015




The narrative next picks up in Genesis 18:16:
“Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on the way.”
In the beginning of this chapter The LORD יהוהיְהוִה [Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw/]   appears to Abraham in the terebinth trees of Mamre which was in the district of Hebron, west of Machpelah, where Abraham lived. It was noted for its large spreading trees that grew to a height of about 6 to 8 meters (20–26 feet) with reddish-green leaves and red berries in clusters.

LORD: Transliteration: Strong’s H3068 יהוהיְהוִה [Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw/] n pr dei. From 1961; TWOT 484a; GK 3378; 6519 occurrences; AV translates as “LORD” 6510 times, “GOD” four times, “JEHOVAH” four times, and “variant” once. 1 the proper name of the one true God. 1a unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136. Additional Information: Jehovah = “the existing One”.
The word “LORD” transliterated by Strong’s H3068 is the Hebrew word “Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw.” This translates in English as the word JEHOVAH, and in the Jewish Tetragrammaton as YHWH. The name Jehovah/Yahweh is God’s personal name that denotes His entire being as the self-existent and eternal God. His full name is mentioned first and found only in Exodus 3:14 when He states to Moses from the burning bush “I AM WHO I AM.” Yahweh made himself known to Abraham as the infinite and personal God; the all-powerful and sovereign God who alone defines Himself and establishes truth for His people and works for their salvation.

As Abraham looks up from the entrance of his tent, he sees three men אֱנׄושׁאֱנׄושׁ [’enowsh /en·oshe/] standing near him.  It seems that Abraham recognized his three visitors by his haste in running to meet them, and bowing before them low to the ground, and addressing one of them as “My Lord” אֲדֹנָי [’Adonay /ad·o·noy/]. The southern desert or the Negev (Genesis 12:9) can become very hot in the summer, reaching above 110° F, and this was in the heat of the day. He offers to bring some water and wash their feet, and get some bread for them while they rest under the tree.

men: Transliteration: Strong’s H582 אֱנׄושׁאֱנׄושׁ [’enowsh /en·oshe/] n m From 605; TWOT 136a; GK 632 and 10046; 564 occurrences AV translates as “man” 520 times, “certain” 10 times, “husbands” three times, “some” three times, “merchantmen” twice, “persons” twice, and translated miscellaneously 24 times. 1 man, mortal man, person, mankind. 1aof an individual. 1b men (collective). 1c man, mankind.
The word “men” transliterates as Strong’s H582  ’enowsh /en·oshe. This word denotes a physical human being or person of mankind. The three men who appeared to Abraham had assumed human form, one being Yahweh, and the other two being angels (Genesis 18:1-2). This is proven by the fact that their feet were washed, and that they rested under the tree and ate. Abraham has the greatest respect for his three visitors, as he and Sarah welcomed them with Middle Eastern hospitality.

Abraham hurries into the tent to his wife Sarah and asks her to quickly prepare some food for them, and they ate while Abraham stood under the tree. The LORD gives Abraham the promise that one year from now Sarah will have a son. Because of Sarah’s laughter, the LORD asks Abraham “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” The LORD then said that He would return to Abraham a year from now at the right time and Sarah would have a son. The men got up to leave and departed toward Sodom, and Abraham walked with them a short time to send them on their way.

Lord: Transliteration: Strong’s H136 אֲדֹנָי [’Adonay /ad·o·noy/] n m Am emphatic form of  113; TWOT 27b; GK 151; 434 occurrences; AV translates as “Lord” 431 times, “lord” twice, and “God” once. 1 my lord, lord. 1a of men. 1b of God. 2Lord—title, spoken in place of Yahweh in Jewish display of reverence.
The word “Lord” transliterated by Strong’s H136 is ’Adonay /ad·o·noy. This translates in English as the word “Adonai” meaning Master. That Abraham would bow down and address one of the men as “My Lord (Adonai/Master)” would intimate that he recognized Yahweh, but was not sure until later of the full significance of the event (Genesis 18:22-33). Abraham recognizes Yahweh’s right to command as his Master, and shows Him the most complete respect and obedience

It is quite clear from the context that one of the men was the LORD Jehovah, the self-existent and eternal God; and the other two men were angels who had assumed human form. 

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