Tuesday 27 January 2015



Philippians 3:3-14

Ten Goals from Paul’s Heart

1. To count on gain when we’ve lost for the sake of Christ (v. 8).
Anything we lay down for the sake of Christ; anything He calls upon us to give up for His Name, will ultimately be our gain.
Knowing (gnosis, Greek) means “present and fragmentary knowledge.”
Paul is saying “The little I know, of what I have experienced of Him; He is worth everything.” The true intimacy of just the taste of the heavenly gift of Christ Jesus is worth everything.

2. To identify the primary gain as Christ Himself (v. 8).
Paul said “I will always gain when I lose, but the ultimate gain is to gain Christ (Genesis 15:1). The goal is God Himself (Psalm 37:4). When we loosen ourselves into the hands of God to be taught how to delight in Him, he will become the desire of our heart. The more we know Him, the more we realize it is Him. Christ is what we want. We want to know Him.

3. To be found in Christ (v. 9).
It means no matter what happens, what circumstances we meet, that is where you want to be able to find me – in Christ. For all eternity we share a relationship with the Living Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that I can be found in Him, in loss or in gain.
The word doulos. He was the bondslave of Jesus Christ.
Paul had made a permanent commitment to Christ. A “bondslave” was someone who had given their entire life; who was signed up for life with their master. Paul says “No matter what happens to me, you can always know I will be with Christ.”

4. To possess the righteousness that comes from God (v. 9).
Paul thought he was a whole lot more righteous before he met the Living Christ. Then he discovered a righteousness in Christ that set Him free. He realized that his freedom was in seeing that there is One who can complete and fulfill all of this; and He has already done it – no need for me to try! Amen!

5. To know Christ (v. 10).
To know (gniosko, Greek) implies “something we know by trial/examination/seeking to find out.”
Paul is saying “The little I know is worth everything to me, so I strive to know everything there is to know about this Living Christ; this side of glory. I want that to be my plea.

God wants us to be His. That’s all He wants any of us to be. He has never failed to be worth anything He asked me to do. Any loss; anything He has ever called upon me to experience, He has majestically been worth it every single time.

6. To be unhindered by personal imperfection (v. 12).
It is our inability to really reach the goal on this earth. In the pursuit, God gives us a purity of heart that burns with passion. It is never going to be complete until we get to heaven; but in the pursuit of Christ and the holy life, our hearts are continually purified so that a passion can burn in them to drive us to the One who saved us. The process brings purity, if not, perfection.

7. To press on (v. 12).
In advance we have already committed to be “doulos.” We have already decided we are in. We have made that commitment to press on. Pressing on, continuing to drive no matter how many swarms of vultures are overhead trying to stop you; until we reach the goal.

8. To take hold of Christ’s purposes for me (v. 12).
Take hold means “to be seized with eagerness or suddenness!”
Christ was so eager to have you in His life that He stood by, waving and waiting so very anxious for you; and then, there was finally that moment that you said “Come on in.” In that moment just standing by, waiting and waiting, so eager to have you, He snatched you, seized you, laid hold of you. He picked you.

9. To forget former trophies (vv. 13-14, v. 5).
Paul is talking about himself way back in verse 5 – his former trophies.
God is a God of restoration. If it is enough to hang you up, or hinder you in your walk with Christ; then it needs to be dealt with, and it’s worth being dealt with. God wants to bring healing and restoration. If we live in yesterday’s trophies, it keeps us from focusing on what He wants to do in our lives today. He wants to work in our lives today. Our testimony is today. The greatest testimony is what God is doing right now in your life. God is always up to something.

10. To reach for the prize (v. 14).
Christ is the prize. He is the reward. We have one trip here, just one short, little stay. The gain, the prize is Christ. I want to know Christ.

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