Wednesday 21 January 2015


Acts 22

A. Paul was in Jerusalem (Acts 21 & 22).
B. There was a plot to kill him (Acts 23 & 25).
C. He was taken before Felix (Acts 24 & 25).
D. He was on trial before Festus (Acts 25)
E. He was on trial before King Agrippa and Bernice (Acts 26).

Faith That Stands Up Under Trial

This lesson will confront us right in the weakest and the strongest places of our faith. Real live religious beliefs that can stand up in a court of law.

1. A belief system beyond simple preferences (Acts 22:3-5; Romans 9:3-5).
Acts 22:3-5 – Paul’s belief in Christ was not his preference. If he had gone with his simple preferences, he would not have gone through the dramatic change in life he did over simple preferences. His preferences would have been to continue on just like he was. He would have preferred to continue living on exactly as he had, but he couldn’t, because something happened in his life so dramatic he had no choice, but to accept and believe it.
Romans 9:3-5 – This is more than preference; it is far beyond simple preferences.

2. A belief system beyond personal philosophy (Acts 24:13-16; 26:7; Romans 10:2).
Acts 24:13-16, 26:7 – Christ is the fulfillment of everything we know. The facts of Scripture speak to us. Paul was showing the basis for what he believed. We have got to know what we believe – knowing God’s Word.
Romans 10:2 – Sometimes we are so passionate for the things of God, and so zealous; but if we don’t know the Word of God, then we have zeal without knowledge. The knowledge of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our foundation. Without that, zeal is dangerous. It is very important that we learn to voice what we believe.

3. A belief system which stands the test of convictions rather than preferences or philosophies.

What are several criteria which help determine whether or not a claimed belief system is:

Preference or Genuine Conviction?

• True convictions are intimately related to daily living.
A conviction pervades everything in the life. Christ was the Apostle Paul’s life. He was the complete umbrella over what he did, and over every place he went. If we were accused of being a Christian, how much evidence would there be to convict us?

• True convictions have a history (Acts 26:19-23; Romans 10:17; 14:1).
Acts 26:19-23 – Paul took his Christianity up as a lifestyle. He continued on with the history of what he believed. Paul could not be stopped from doing what God had called him to do.
Romans 10:17 – Our faith is strengthened through studying the Word of God; through hearing the messages of the Word of God. He keeps our head straight down in His Word and fuels faith in us. The more you study, the more conviction will grow; and you won’t find that you begin to doubt – you will grow in faith.
Romans 14:1 – Accept the one who is early in their history with God. With one another, we give each other room to grow that faith. Build a history of relationship and trust with God through His Word.

• True convictions are personal (2 Timothy 4:16-17).
Every single time when you are forced into a situation where you have to stand alone, the Lord will stand at your side and give you strength. Paul believed it all by himself. Our convictions are things we cannot compromise, even if we are all by ourselves and nobody cares. That is personal conviction.

• True convictions are preserved against the pressure to conform
(Romans 12:1-2; 14:2-3).
Romans 12:1 – It is talking about a specific kind of mercy that God has toward us when He sees that we are making a mess of things; a mercy that He extends to people that He sees getting themselves into very big trouble. What God is saying is “You would feel so much better if you would offer your body as a living sacrifice to me. Life would be so much easier for you, if you would come to a place, to just sacrifice your all and submit it to me.” You’re hurting yourself by holding parts of yourself back from God, because all you do is get yourself into trouble.
Romans 12:2 – We are not even capable when we are caught up in the world of knowing the specific will of God for our lives. It comes by the renewing of our minds, which comes by the Word of God.
Romans 14:2-3 – There are some things in my life that God has convicted me about, that He is not necessarily telling you. We know the things He has convicted us about, but we have to be open, admit it to Him that we do realize that is something that He wants, and know that it is not a place where we are bound. It is a place where we are free. We get to be free in the Spirit. We are to be open to what He convicts us about.

• True convictions are unchanging regardless of circumstances (Acts 24:27).
Two years later Paul was testifying exactly the same thing. He stood firm. He never backed off from what He believed, because it was conviction. It was something he knew. There have been many that have died for the sake of Christ, whose convictions took them all the way to the last breath.
Christ is asking us to live for Him, full of conviction, unstoppable growing in faith, and convicted believers. That is a faith that stands up in court.

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