Thursday 6 November 2014



(Heb. ˓erets) (Gen. 1:1, 10; 4:16; 12:1; 13:10; Deut. 34:2; Ps. 98:3) Strong’s #776: The common OT word land possesses several nuances of meaning, including: earth in contrast to the heavens (1:1); land in contrast to the sea (1:10); ground as a plot of real estate or a geographical location (4:16); the land of a sovereign nation (13:10, 12); or even the people who live upon the earth (Pss. 98:3; 100:1). In essence, all land belongs to God as its Creator (Ps. 24:1). Thus when God promised the Israelites the “land” of Canaan, it was His to give. Because the land of Canaan was an important element in God’s covenant with the Israelites (12:1), it became one of their identifying characteristics—the “people of the land” (Gen. 13:15; 15:7).

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