Friday 7 November 2014



(Heb. ˓aman) (Gen. 15:6; Ex. 4:31; 2 Chr. 20:20; Ps. 116:10) Strong’s #539: The Hebrew word translated believe is from a root meaning “establish” or “confirm.” The English word amen, which is used to express approval, comes from the same root (Neh. 5:13; Ps. 41:13). Belief is one of the most important ideas in all the Bible, because a person must believe God in order to be saved from sin. For this very reason, the NT makes much of the fact that Abraham believed God (Heb. 11:8–12). Whenever the Scriptures, OT or NT, state that a person “believed in the Lord,” it signals that the person has made a decision to treat God’s word as certain and has made a commitment to do what God wants (15:6; John 1:12).

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