Wednesday 29 October 2014



Without the events we’re studying today, humanity might have benefited from the life and ministry of a man called Jesus of Nazareth, but we would still be lost. At best, He would be revered as a great prophet. A good man. He was far more than either one. Jesus Christ was the One John the Baptist proclaimed, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Christ is the Great Redeemer
(Luke 23:44-56)

1. A dark land. Compare verse 53. Three words offer helpful insight:
It was a dark season that fell over the earth in those last hours of Christ.

• Hour: The original Greek word is hora, which means “figuratively, of a season of life, the fresh, full bloom and beauty of youth, the ripeness and vigor of manhood.”
Sin was allowed to come to full bloom for that time. All the sins, past and future were heaped down on the Living Lord Jesus on the cross.

• Darkness: The original Greek is skotos, which can mean “physical darkness or spiritual darkness.” In this verse, it most likely applies to both. The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the New Testament suggests the word is used in Luke 22:53 in reference to “the infernal spirits as the opposite of Christ, the sun or light of righteousness.”
Satan was at this most important place where darkness reigned. When darkness fell, there were infernal spirits covering the sky. It was filled with the angels of the kingdom of darkness.

• Reigns: The original Greek word is exousia meaning “permission, authority, right, liberty, power to do something.” Please understand that the only reason why the kingdom of darkness was allowed to “reign” to this degree was because God was using it to accomplish His own purposes (Matthew 26:50-56).
What Satan had power and authority to do in that dark hour, was given to him by permission from God, to work for the purposes of God’s Kingdom.
Matthew 26:50-56 – The “sword” in the Greek language was the kind one would have worn in a belt right at the waist. Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

2. A torn veil. Read Luke 23:45. Compare Matthew 27:51. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Hebrews 10:19-22.
All access to God begins with God. The veil (curtain) represents the body of Christ.
The word “new” in Greek:
A. Kainos – New in quality.
B. Neos – New in number.
C. Prophatos – Originally referred to the newly killed animal or man; hence, of flesh just killed. In the New Testament, generally, it means recent, new; as in a new way.
By a new and living way as a body that was torn as the veil (curtain). By the time Christ died on that cross, his body had indeed been torn from top to bottom.
Thorns – Genesis 3:17-18 – When the crown of thorns was put on Jesus head, He literally was wearing the representation of the curse upon the earth, upon His head; and the blood literally dripped over those thorns, and that veil began to be torn from head to foot. He opened to us (sanctified or dedicated) a way for us, that was based on the crucifixion of the Lamb of God.

3. A loud voice. Luke 23:46. If blood loss does not kill the crucified victim, suffocation does. For Jesus to draw enough breath to cry out in a loud voice is profound.
Remember that Jesus Christ was “the Word made flesh” to dwell among us. While the writers of the Old and New Testament books were inspired by God, Christ was the One and Only to give Divine voice human volume. Let’s compare the first and last word recorded from the human vocal chords of Jesus Christ: Luke 2:49 and 23:46.
FIRST WORDS OF THE LOGOS (Luke 2:48-49) – Jesus words meant that “I must be about my Father. I am all about my Father. I am going to be where my Father is, because my entire life is about my Father.”
LAST WORDS OF THE LOGOS – “Father into your hands I commit my Spirit.”
The consistency of Jesus life was entirely consistent with the Father.
“I am all about Him. My life is entirely committed to my Father and my Father’s will.”

4. A last breath. Luke 23:46. Reflect upon Genesis 2:7.
Genesis 2:7 – The Hebrew word/name Adam means “man.” The LORD God breathed into Adam the breath of life.
1 Corinthians 15:45-49 – Christ leaned over Adam and breathed into him the Spirit CPR of man; and on the cross, He came as the second Adam for all of man; took the beating of the cross, inhaled and breathed His last. The first breath was from Him – our life’s breath. The last breath was from Him – our eternal life’s breath. The Living God took on living flesh, and became Christ, the God-man.

Blessed Condescension

     Philippians 2:7-8       2 Corinthians 4:6
                                   Colossians 2:9            Matthew 26:67
                                   Isaiah 53:12                Matthew 17:2
                                  John 1:14                     Luke 23:44-45
                                   Hebrews 1:3                John 1:10-11
                                                       Isaiah 53:7
He could have spoken back, but the Word remained silent so that the plan of God could be fulfilled. One condescension in contrast, falls in two verses one right after another in John 1:10-11. Oh blessed condescension, the stooping down of God. Never lose sight for a moment that this One who hung on the cross, whipped and spit upon, was God.

5. A borrowed tomb. Luke 23:49.
Luke 23:50-53 – Joseph had to have been a tender man to ask for that responsibility.
Exodus 33:21-22 – God says to Christ “I have a place at my right hand where you will sit beside me, and yours will be the throne over all creation.”
After Joseph put Him in the tomb (cleft of the rock), the hand of God went over it and it hid it from sight, from everyone. God said “you have done everything to this precious body that you will ever be allowed to do; He is mine now.” God watched over Him and He covered Him there with His hand. He know better than anyone that His Son’s Spirit was very much alive, and only waiting for the time when it would come back into the form of the immortal Christ, that would walk out of the tomb.

6. A distant crowd. Luke 23:49.
What they were doing in a physical sense, so many do in a spiritual sense. Our church pews are packed with people who love the goodness of the feel at church; the environment of it – people who love Biblical encouragement, people who love praise and worship, lives that know some measure of blessing; but if we stand at a distance from the cross and watch, we do not know so great a salvation. Every single one of us at one time or another has to approach, one at a time, the Cross of Calvary. Have you been to the cross for yourself? Christ has to come and occupy a repentant soul’s heart. We have no power in our lives to change until after we receive Him as Savior.
Exodus 29:36-37 – This is completed in the Cross of Christ. The cross is the altar of sacrifice, and because He hung on the cross and gave His life up for us; whatever touches that altar is made clean and acceptable. You are made whole in Christ and it is paid for. There is truth in the plan of salvation.

The Sinner’s Prayer

Most Holy God, I am so aware of my own unholiness.
 I confess to You, I am hopeless and helpless under the weight of my own sin.
 I confess I am a sinner in desperate need of grace.
 I acknowledge that Jesus is Your Son.
 He came to this Earth as the perfect Lamb of God.
 He was nailed to a cross for me.
 He knew me before time began.
 He took on all my sins in advance—past, present, and future.
 His death paid the penalty for every sin I would commit.
 This moment, I receive Your Son, Jesus Christ, into my life by faith.
 Just as He rose on the third day, raise up His resurrection life in me this moment.
Holy Spirit, I welcome you
Come into my heart to stay
My life is signed and sealed until I am safely delivered into your heavenly kingdom.
Most Holy God, Sovereign Creator of the universe, I now call You, Father.
My Abba, my Dad. For I have been saved by the blood of the Lamb.
My life is now sacred, no longer common or unclean.
From this day forward I belong to You.
Help me to live in gratitude for so great a salvation.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
In Jesus blessed name. Amen.

John 1:10-14

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