Sunday 21 September 2014



Nehemiah 8

We need a way when we have been impressed by the Spirit; when we have encountered the transforming Spirit of God through His Word, we need a way to respond to that

Like the Israelites in Nehemiah’s day …

1. We are exiles learning to live in liberty (Nehemiah 8:1).
This is not our home, yet we have been liberated. Christ has set us free on His cross, and we are having so much trouble learning to live in that liberty; in this land God has given us, to put our feet on and claim for this time – but it seems so foreign to us.
All the people assembled as one. Bondage is no respecter of persons. It is Satan’s job and dark kingdom to do everything he can, to set the free captive; and he will take anyone he can get. We have been unified as one person – come to a place of unity in our goal.

2. We have discovered the vital role of truth (Nehemiah 8:2-3, 5-6).
We have to think truth – the weapon of our warfare. The word “praised” is often translated in the Old Testament “blessed.” It means “to bend the knee.” Revival is happening here, and captives are being set free. They worshiped (to fall prostrate) with their faces to the ground. “Amen” is translated in a number of other Old Testament places as “truth.” For the rest of our lives, let us recognize truth from lies.

3. We now know the necessity of repentance in the process of restoration (Nehemiah 9:1-2).
We have come to grips with the fact that we have all sorts of weapons why we may have ended up in bondage; but that we could only take responsibility for any sin that resulted from it; so that we would bring it forth, agree with God about it, repent of it, and say “LORD, I do not want to go there anymore. I want to live in freedom away from those chains - in daily repentance (Psalm 139:4).

Isaiah 66:2
We can always know that maybe we are in the early stages of a problem, when the Word of God just ceases to hit us.

In view of all this...

1. We would consider entering into a binding agreement with God (Nehemiah 9:38).
The Hebrew word “amanah” means “to make a covenant, to make a firm commitment based on truth.”
This a tangible way to respond to a very heavy and powerful thing we have been through in God’s Word; and we want to somehow express some of what has been impressed upon us in the Spirit.
The word “amanah” is kin to the word “amen.” It has the meaning of truth. My truth + God’s truth. Come before God in truth, and walk with Him in liberty for the rest of our lives. In other words, we are in agreement with God. That will be our equation for liberty.

2. We could prepare ourselves to go forward into liberty with God without human leadership(Nehemiah 13:6).
We have got to prepare ourselves with what the future holds now; encouraging us in our pursuit of complete liberation in Christ. Nehemiah comes back and finds things in a complete mess. The people had become more obedient to Nehemiah than God’s Word. It is God who has done the major work in our lives, so now; we go on with the One who has been with us. If we are tied into human leadership we are going to get into big trouble. We are to desire to be obedient to God, and we take our freedom wherever we go. There is something about the radiance of a free child of Christ.

3. We could make lifelong faithfulness our goal, but know what to do if we break our binding agreement (Nehemiah 13:30).
If there ever comes a time we break that binding agreement, go back to it and recommit your vow. What keeps our heart pure is a pursuit toward holiness; it keeps our heart clean toward God. Keep coming to God in truth. We come immediately bringing our truth, and then, we see ourselves in reference to His truth, which says “You are forgiven. I have wiped that slate clean; now let’s get back to it, and let’s press on.” Bind yourself to Christ, and if you tear that agreement; you get back at it, and you tie it again.

Isaiah 44:1-5
We are to be bondslaves of Christ; to turn in our yoke of slavery, so that we could walk in slavery to the liberating life of Christ. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Isaiah 61:1-3

2 Corinthians 11:2

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