Saturday 16 August 2014



(Heb. pl. elohim) (Gen. 1:126Deut. 7:9Is. 45:18) Strong’s #430: The standard Hebrew term for God. This word is related to similar words for deity found throughout almost all Semitic languages. The basic meaning is probably “Mighty” or “the Almighty.” In Hebrew this word often occurs in a form called “the plural of majesty” or “the plural of intensity.” In contrast to a normal plural (that is, “gods,” such as the false gods of 1 Kin. 19:2), the Hebrew uses this plural to mean “The Fullness of Deity” or “God—Very God!”Many Christians point to the plural form of this word as revealing the plural nature of God. God is one, but He is also three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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