Monday 21 April 2014



 “Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be
established.” P R O V E R B S 4 : 2 6

Take heed thou dost not turn into those lanes
which lead out of the way. There are crooked, paths,
paths in which men go astray, paths that lead to death
and damnation, but take heed of all of those. Some of
them are dangerous because of practice, some because of
opinion, but mind them not; mind the path before thee,
look right before thee, turn neither to the right hand nor
to the left, but let thine eyes look right on, even right
before thee; Turn not to the right hand nor to the left.
“Remove thy foot far from evil.” Tho the way to heaven
be but one, yet there are many crooked lanes and by-paths
are most beaten, most travelers go those ways; and therefore
the way to heaven is hard to be found, and as hard to
be kept in, by reason of these . . . the scarlet streams of
Christ’s blood run throughout the way to the kingdom of
heaven; therefore mind that, see if thou do not find the
besprinkling of the blood of Christ in the way, and if
thou do, be of good cheer, thou art in the right way.

J O H N B U N Y A N ( 1 6 2 8 - 1 6 8 8 )

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