Wednesday 30 April 2014




God is always going to do His job. God’s job, through the Holy Spirit, is to convict of sin, as well as to empower the believer to turn from that sin; and always give a door of escape.

1. We find safety in facing our poverty aside from God (Psalm 86:1). Without God we are poverty-stricken and with no hope (Matthew 5:3). Poor and needy, or poor in spirit, means utter helplessness and complete destitution. God has been faithful to show me just enough of myself to scare me to death; of what it would be like if I was left to myself to heap sin upon sin.
1 Corinthians 10:11-12 – we have examples and warnings to us. Just when you think you are standing, that is when you are most vulnerable to fall.
Galatians 6:1 – no spirit-filled believer is beyond this kind of sin. You must know to be cautious, to know that even if you are spiritual, your knees can bend and buckle to that sin. Restore them gently with strong humility. You go with an attitude to lift them up, because you can easily be right there.
Isaiah 51:1 – God says “Do not forget the place from where I have brought you.”
2. We find safety in approaching God honestly with our needs (Psalm 86:1). There is wisdom in realizing that we are needy, and asking God to pinpoint where we are needy or vulnerable (Matthew 18:2-7). Things that happen along the way can greatly increase our tendencies toward certain sins, and it is wise for me to know that.
1 Corinthians 6:12 – Somewhere along the way there times that we have to come to a place where we realize that there are things that might be fine for someone else, but they are not beneficial for us – because they are a weakness to us. We have to know what our weaknesses are.
3. We find safety in being guarded against potential areas of sin (Psalm 86:2). Knowing what is out there and being very aware of where sin can tangle us, and then being guarded against those areas of sin (Proverbs 4:23).
Psalm 101:1-6 – “I am asking you God to guard my life, and at the same time I am going to be wise about the choices that I make.” We are to lead a blameless life.
4. We find safety in being acquainted with God’s mercy (Psalm 86:3). There is safety in calling out to God all day long. We have to be acquainted with God’s mercy. “I am crying out for mercy, and I want to live in the center of your will.”
5. We find safety in seeking joy from the Lord of our souls (Psalm 86:4). That what draws you is going to be your greatest joy. God can use “that” in our favor if we cry out to Him and say “You be my Giver of Joy. You miraculously become where I receive the greatest delight of my life.
Psalm 37:4 – God invites us – He says “Make me the delight of your life.” God knows if we truly begin to delight ourselves in Him, and we have courage enough to say “Okay, you become the delight of my life;” He is also the desire of your heart. His desires become yours.
6. There is safety in fully accepting forgiveness (Psalm 86:5). God is ready to forgive you and set you free.
Luke 5:22-24 – the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth. When we resist His forgiveness, and we really cannot accept that He has forgiven us; we are having an authority problem. We can think sometimes that we can do our part, but He can’t do His. Authority in the Greek means “the right and the might.”
7. We find safety in calling upon God at the first sign of trouble (Psalm 86:7). God, based on His faithful name, has obligated Himself to answer you when you call out in your need.
Psalm 139:1-6; 23-24 – the first sign of sin is in the mind. Lord test my heart and mind, because you know it all anyway. Talk it over with Him openly. It is in the mind before it is on the tongue. If we will listen, He is already convicting.
8. We find safety in diligently walking in the truth (Psalm 86:11). Living in the Word of God is truth (John 17:17). It is to be sanctified or have a set-apart life. When we walk in the Word of God, then we live victoriously.
Proverbs 4:20-27 – There is a radical walk described here in walking the straight path, and in the right direction.
9. We find safety in an undivided heart (Psalm 86:11). Christ should be the priority of our heart. If not, you will have a divided heart.
10. We find safety in a balanced perspective toward God. God invites us to come to Him when we have blown it, in the absolute heaps of our sin, with two attitudes:
A. We need to fear His name: REVERENCE.
Psalm 86:11 – God is still serious about sin. If we are still living in the sin, without asking for the power to turn from the sin, we are not going to get any relief there. God’s longsuffering in patience is salvation.
B. We need to bask in His love: REASSURANCE.
Psalm 86:13 – God wants us to come to Him with reverence, and know that He is serious about sin; but His love toward us is great and abounding, and He loves us. He hates sin, but He loves us. That is the attitude God is looking for.
Micah 7:8 – We cannot fall so deeply that He cannot pull us up, when we reach out our hand and allow Him to.

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