Friday 2 August 2013



1. LORD: Transliteration: Strong’s H3068 יהוה, יְהוִה [Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw/] n pr dei From 1961; TWOT 484a; GK 3378; 6519 occurrences; AV translates as “LORD” 6510 times, “GOD” four times, “JEHOVAH” four times, and “variant” once. 1 the proper name of the one true God. 1a unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136. Additional Information: Jehovah = “the existing One”.

The word “LORD” transliterated by Strong’s H3068 is the Hebrew word “Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw.This translates in English as the word JEHOVAH, and in the Jewish Tetragrammaton as YHWH. The name Jehovah/Yahweh is God’s personal name that denotes His entire being as the self-existent and eternal God. His full name is mentioned first and found only in Exodus 3:14 when He states to Moses from the burning bush “I AM WHO I AM.” Yahweh made himself known to Abraham as the infinite and personal God; the all-powerful and sovereign God who alone defines Himself and establishes truth for His people and works for their salvation.

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