Thursday 29 August 2013


BECOME JUDGES WITH EVIL THOUGHTS (James 2:2-4) James draws an illustration between a distinguished looking gentleman with fashionable clothing, and expensive gold rings; and a poor man in humble attire. We would like to think that the illustration is overdrawn, but when we look into our own heart, we find that we often do make these artificial class distinctions among ourselves and thus "become judges with evil thoughts."
The most glaring example of it in the church today is the discrimination shown against people of other races and colors. Black believers have been ostracized in many instances or at least made to feel unwelcome. Converted Jews have not always been accepted cordially. Oriental Christians have tasted discriminated in varying degrees. There are enormous social problems in the whole area of racial relations. The Christian must be true to divine principles. We are obligated to give practical expression to the truth that all believers are one in Christ Jesus.

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