Thursday 1 June 2017


James and John remind me of two little boys holding their popguns, jumping up and down pleading: “Let me shoot! Let me! Let me!” The difference is, this was no game. They wanted to call down the fire of God. They were eagerly asking for permission to be agents of massive, irreversible destruction. Nothing is more permanent or terrifying than the destruction of the lost. We ought to be scared to death to wish such a thing on anyone. Eternity is a long time. Even when punishment comes to the terribly wicked, we are wise to remember with deep sobriety, humility, and thankfulness that only grace saves us from a like sentence.
God’s desire, however, is for us to pray for His mercy, His Spirit’s conviction, and their repentance rather than their judgment.
Judgment is coming, but may the thought of it cause us to weep, plead, and pray. Never boast or feel satisfaction. Only one thing stands between us and the lost: a blood-stained cross.
May we humble ourselves before Him, repent, and daily choose to lay down the albatross of our own egos.
Oh, God, give us a longing—not for the sin of this world to be judged—but for the sinners of this world to be forgiven.

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