Saturday 15 April 2017

The seed on good soil

The seed on good soil

 The good soil represents the one who hears the Word and retains it. “Retains” pictures chewing the Word up and swallowing it until it occupies a place in us. When God’s Word is deliberately internalized, it will be authentically externalized because it’s no longer what we do—it’s part of who we are.
Isaiah 55:11 declares God’s Word will not return void. It will accomplish the purposes for which He sent it. That’s a fact. But I want it to accomplish and achieve in me, don’t you? When this generation asks who Christ’s brothers and sisters are, I want Him to point us out joyfully. For our kinship to be obvious, we’ve got to hear God’s Word and do it. When He sends forth His Word, may He find fertile soil in each of us.
Then, when we’ve reached our lives’ intended goals, we will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and hills will burst into song before us, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Persevere, doer of the Word. A harvest is coming.

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