Wednesday 5 April 2017

I don’t think Luke 7:23 is talking about falling away from Christ.

I don’t think Luke 7:23 is talking about falling away from Christ. 

It’s talking about falling over a stumbling block into a trap. One of Satan’s most effective devices for causing a devout believer to stumble is to trap him over a matter of faith. Satan even tries to use Christ, Himself, against us. The most effective faith-trap Satan could set for a Christian is to tempt him or her to doubt the goodness, rightness, or mightiness of Christ.
Note that Christ held John in highest esteem even after being questioned. John was under a terrible strain, and his martyrdom was imminent. Christ knew that! He could handle John’s questions because He knew the heart and mind from which they came. After proclaiming that no one born of women was greater than John, Jesus said the “least in the kingdom of God is greater than” John (v. 28).

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