Sunday 30 April 2017

Christ wants us to be open to what He can do through us.

Christ wants us to be open to what He can do through us.

 I love the way He tossed the responsibility for feeding the crowd right into His disciples’ laps. “You give them something to eat” (Luke 9:13). Mind you, they had received power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons, yet they looked helplessly at two fish and five loaves as the totality of their resources.
I believe Christ was saying, “Think bigger, boys!” This time, not only about what He could do, but also what they could do in His name. Where the disciples were concerned, I believe this event was all about stretching their thinking. His words are entirely absent of rebuke. Don’t miss the fact that He used the disciples to distribute the meal. He wanted them to feel the weight of the baskets and see the hands of those reaching to be fed. Real power in real forms in real life.

   Think bigger, boys!
   You’ve yet to find
   I’ve got all the power
   All of the time
   Think bigger, boys!
   While it is day
   Watch what I do
   Do what I say
   Think bigger, boys!
   See every scene
   With Me in the middle
   Reigning as King
   Think bigger, boys!
   For one day you’ll see
   Me in my glory
   Then you’ll say to Me . . .
   We should’ve thought bigger.

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