Saturday 11 March 2017



Luke 4 concludes with a definitive statement in verse 44: “He kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.” He kept on—no matter how many directions He felt pulled. No matter how many needs remained in each town. No matter what others prioritized for Him—He kept on. Why? Because every other need humanity possessed was secondary to the need to hear and receive the gospel. Not unimportant, mind you. Just secondary. Physical healing affects this life alone. The kingdom is forever. Then why did Christ spend time and energy performing miracles of healing on such temporal bodies? Probably for three primary reasons:

            •       Because He could. He can do whatever He wants. Before that fact makes you nervous, remember: what He wants is always consistent with who He is. Among many other wonderful things, He is the healer. In one way or another He heals every single person who comes to Him by faith.
            •       Because He is compassionate—beyond anything we can imagine.
            •       Because the miracles helped authenticate the messenger.
Preaching the good news of the kingdom of God was Christ’s absolute priority.

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