Monday 27 February 2017



His Father proclaimed a blessing as He said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). I want to suggest to you again that I don’t think God spoke audibly to His Son every day He was on earth. I think maybe Jesus was called here to sympathize with us and to take part in the kind of relationship we do. A whole lot of His prayer was Him talking to God, knowing in His own Spirit and through God’s Word what the Father was answering Him. The audible voice of His Father must have just fallen on Jesus with the dearest of familiarity. That was the love of His life. I want to think that through the night, He replayed that voice and blessing in His own mind a thousand times. “He loves me. Life is hard here, but He’s proud of me. I have the blessing. I have the blessing.”

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